An educated consumer is a good consumer. We believe education is in an important part of the service that we give to clients and potential clients. Starting the process of designing and building a log home may be a daunting process for you. You may be full of questions and uncertainty. We take the time to demystify the process, to answer all your questions and help you understand what you need to know to move forward confidently and enjoyably. We strive to make to design process logical and fun.

Murray Arnott has been an educator all his life. His book, ON DESIGN: Designing a Better Log Home, should be very helpful as you think about your new log or timber home.

To help you get started we have included a few articles related to the design process, as well as a list of articles on other subjects related to log home design and building.

For log builders, we provide a range of services that can help even the most seasoned log builder deliver a better design service to clients—a win-win solution for all involved.

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